Blog Posts

    Planet Eclipse

    Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - 23:52 by Wayne Beaton
    I was speaking with a friend and frequent reader of my blog this evening. Dave pointed out to me that there is no indication on my blog of how to access it via RSS feed. I’ve added a link to the right that points to the Atom feed. For readers...

    Eclipse: Not just for Java

    Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 13:48 by Wayne Beaton
    I had originally envisioned the title of this posting including the word “anymore” at the end. However, that would be grossly inaccurate since Eclipse has not been just for Java for some time. I attended a couple of the morning sessions for the CDT Contributor Summit, hosted by QNX, here...

    JavaPolis 2005

    Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 11:58 by Wayne Beaton
    Eclipse is going to be at JavaPolis in Antwerp, Belgium in December. I’m really excited about this conference for a few reasons. To start, I’ve never been to Belgium. I’ve been close a few times, but I’ve never actually been in the country. I love Europe so I jump on...

    PHPEclipse 1.1.7 and WTP 0.7.1

    Monday, October 24, 2005 - 22:33 by Wayne Beaton
    I updated WTP to version 0.7.1 today and something curious happened: the option to edit HTML files using the HTML editor disappeared. Strange, I thought. When I reverted back to WTP 0.7, the ability returned. I created a completely new and separate installation of Eclipse 3.1.1 to verify the problem...

    Life goal #493

    Sunday, October 23, 2005 - 21:47 by Wayne Beaton
    Earlier today, I sent a note off to an Eclipse contributor to ask a couple of questions about the status of a bug I submitted. My message somehow got flagged as obscene spam which is sort of cool all by itself (though not all that improbable). Anyway, he apparently made...

    Whirlwind Tour

    Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 19:42 by Mike Milinkovich
    So I am currently at the Hyatt Regency Burlingame — fondly remembered as the site of our most recent EclipseCon — for the Zend/PHP conference. This is my third conference in eight days. London, Paris and San Francisco in eight days. Remind me to never do that again. But the...

    It can’t possibly work

    Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 23:20 by Wayne Beaton
    I attended a talk on Monday morning hosted by the Ottawa SPIN (Software Process Improvement Network) forum titled “The Cost, Quality, and Security of Open Source Software: Fact and Fiction”. The presenter, Khaled El Emam, who among his many varied titles is an associate professor at the University of Ottawa...