Blog Posts

    Fun with Combinatorics

    Monday, October 3, 2005 - 10:10 by Wayne Beaton
    I attended a talk a few days ago in which the speaker was talking about some of the challenges faced by organizations building plug-ins. He stated something to the effect of “if you have six separately deployable (i.e. not interdependent) plug-ins, then there are ‘six factorial‘ (6 x 5 x...

    Eclipse Wins Readers’ Choice Award

    Sunday, October 2, 2005 - 16:58 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Eclipse was lucky enough to win the Software Magazine Readers’ Choice Award for Best Open Source Tool. We were also runner-up in 4 other categories, including the two ‘ Most Tried and True’ categories. Pretty impressive company we are keeping in these categories. Most Tried and True Winner: Visual Studio...

    Metrics for Success

    Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 10:53 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Lots of times I get asked about ‘numbers’ at Eclipse. Usually people want to know download numbers. I personally don’t think downloads are a great metric for success of Eclipse. To quote a former colleague: ‘Counting downloads is like McDonald’s counting the number of hamburgers served, not digested’. To be...

    eBay SDK for Java and RCP

    Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 10:14 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve been looking into the use of eBay from an Eclipse RCP. The good news is that it works; at least, I’ve had some success. eBay provides a site for developers where you can get a software developer’s kit (SDK) that includes almost everything you need (more complete examples would...

    PHPEclipse and XAMPP

    Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 16:05 by Wayne Beaton
    At the Eclipse Foundation, we tend to eat our own dog food. Foundation employees use Eclipse itself to generate content for the website (I can’t speak for individual project teams, but I’m pretty sure that most of them do as well). In particular, we use PHPEclipse to create and edit...

    Draggin’ and droppin’ URLs

    Friday, September 23, 2005 - 13:48 by Wayne Beaton
    Yesterday, I wrote about the ability to drop URLs onto an SWT component. I’ll pause for a couple of minutes while you go back and review it… I found an entry in Bugzilla ( bug #100095) that’s asking for the URLTransfer class to be made public. It seems that the...

    Integrating Firefox with RCP

    Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 23:25 by Wayne Beaton
    I was asked a question today about whether or not Eclipse RCP can integrate with Firefox. The short answer is “yes”. The longer answer is “what do you mean by ‘integrate’?”. An RCP application can, for example, be the drop target of a link dragged off a browser. SWT code...