Blog Posts

    Eclipse Installed

    Thursday, February 2, 2006 - 22:47 by Wayne Beaton
    How neat-o keen, golly-gee whiz is this? Be sure to get your “Eclipse installed” sticker from your favourite Eclipse Foundation staffer. Coming soon to a conference or seminar near you. The folks attending the Eclipse in Motion seminars will be the first large-ish group to get these very exclusive stickers...

    Eclipse 3.2 and Java 1.4.2

    Thursday, February 2, 2006 - 14:43 by Wayne Beaton
    At least one reader of my entry a couple of days ago expressed concern that Eclipse 3.2 might require the use of Java 5. Well it doesn’t. No need for alarm. Apparently there are two plug-ins in the SDK that require the use of Java 5 and if Java 5...

    Building communities

    Thursday, February 2, 2006 - 10:04 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I am giving a presentation next week at the Evans Data Developer Relations conference. The intent of my presentation is to talk about the successes Eclipse has had in building a strong vibrant community. To do so, I have detail some of the ‘best practices’ that I have observed in...

    Got one back

    Wednesday, February 1, 2006 - 16:51 by Wayne Beaton
    It’s always nice to hear about folks who come back to Eclipse. Problems with their previous IDE combined with a very positive experience with WebTools 1.0 has brought this blogger back.

    Election Time

    Wednesday, February 1, 2006 - 12:27 by Mike Milinkovich
    It’s February so that means its election time in the Eclipse community. Each year, the committer community and the add-in provider community vote for their representatives on the Eclipse Board of Directors. The number of elected reps is calculated using a formula based on the number of strategic members. The...

    Eclipse SDK and Java 5

    Monday, January 30, 2006 - 21:29 by Wayne Beaton
    Every now and then, somebody asks a question about whether or not the Eclipse IDE supports Java 5. If you look at the 3.1.2 release notes, you’ll see that version 3.1.2 has been tested on Java 1.4.2 on variety of platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac OS, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX) as well...

    Souvenirs, Wearables, and Gifts

    Monday, January 30, 2006 - 09:26 by Wayne Beaton
    With Bug# 125649, Chris has suggested that somebody out there should setup an “Eclipse Store” selling Eclipse-branded merchandise. I think he’s suggesting that the Eclipse Foundation should probably do something along these lines; I thought that there might be something in the rules that would prevent us from setting up...