Blog Posts

    Mashup Camp

    Friday, January 6, 2006 - 03:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
    David Berlind is organizing a Mashup Camp and seems to be getting a lot of interest. David indicated to me that some people are interested in talking about IDE’s for building mashups. A project I would love to see started at Eclipse is one that focuses on frameworks and tools...

    A prediction and bet for 2006

    Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 03:43 by Anonymous (not verified)
    David Berlind is a respected journalist and probably my favourite blogger at ZDNet. He recently blogged that Eclipse is really on a roll in 2005 and into 2006. But he also suggested that ‘Is it time for NetBeans to finally throw in the towel?’ Tim Bray, noted Sun technologist, took...

    New Eclipse Magazine

    Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 03:11 by Anonymous (not verified)
    BZ Media has just announced the new Eclipse Review magazine. It will be a print magazine that is available on a quarterly basis. I understand that the first edition will be available at EclispeCon. You can sign-up for a free subscription here.

    The Plunge

    Wednesday, January 4, 2006 - 11:00 by Wayne Beaton
    Today, I’m going to indulge myself with a brief discussion of my New Year’s Day activities. As is my tradition, I participated in the annual Polar Bear Dip here in Ottawa. For those readers who have not been initiated into world of Polar Bear Dipping, it’s pretty simple: on the...

    Blog Editor on Eclipse RCP

    Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 10:01 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Happy New Year! Over the holidays I finally found someone that has created a blog editor on Eclipse RCP. Lokesh Shah is creating JBlogEditor. It is still a beta version so it still needs some work. For instance, I would love to have a WYSIWIG editor. However, I am writing...

    Storing server data locally

    Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 22:22 by Wayne Beaton
    I’m working my way through the list of questions posed during the Eclipse RCP webinar. One listener asked about a dozen questions (and I’m hoping to get to them all, really), including this one: When talking about the user working offline with the intelligence in the application – where and...

    Java Detour

    Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 21:16 by Mike Milinkovich
    After the Eclipse Board and Council meetings I headed down to San Diego to meet with the Executive Committees of the Java Community Process. I was there to have a conversation on what Eclipse is and what we do. On the way to SFO, we drove by this coffee shop...