Blog Posts

    Update to vulnerability description - CVSS 4.0

    Friday, July 26, 2024 - 02:56 by Marta Rybczynska
    A vulnerability description includes several fields, like the title and description. However, one is causing difficulties for people writing CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration) entries: the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) vector. CVSS is an important field because it answers a fundamental question about the vulnerability: "How serious is it?" A...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #238

    Sunday, July 21, 2024 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE! I have just arrived back home from JConf Dominica 2024, and have a couple of hours to pack my bags before heading out again for JCrete 2024. Busy times for a developer advocate, but so incredibly great to be...

    JConf Dominicana 2024

    Saturday, July 20, 2024 - 12:09 by Ivar Grimstad
    A Java conference in the Dominican Republic sounds too good to be true. Well, I can tell you that it is a thing, and it is awesome! JConf Dominicana, The Caribbean Java Technologies Conference is organized by Java Dominicano, the Dominican Java User Group. It is a one-day conference with...

    Eclipse Cloud DevTools Special Contributor Award: Recognizing Outstanding Work on Open VSX

    Monday, July 15, 2024 - 14:21 by John Kellerman
    The Eclipse Cloud Developer Tools Working Group is recognizing Hans-Ake Gustafsson, Kostiantyn Kirenko (both from STMicroelectronics), and Olaf Lesenich (from EclipseSource) with a Special Contributor Award. This award celebrates and recognized their exceptional and strategic contributions to the Open VSX project and deployment at

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #237

    Sunday, July 14, 2024 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE! After a couple of weeks at home, I am going on the road again. First off is JConfDomincana, the Caribbean Java Technologies Conference organized by the Dominican Republic Java User Group, where I will host a workshop together with...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #236

    Sunday, July 7, 2024 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE! Last week I was speaking at Developer Week’24 in Nuremberg, Germany. That was my last conference of the European conference season before summer. This year, there will be a couple of conferences during the summer before the fall season...

    Developer Week ’24

    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 13:17 by Ivar Grimstad
    Developer Week is a four-day conference that takes place in Nuremberg, Germany. As the name implies, it is a developer conference where Java is a track among the other track topics. I spoke at the conference for the first time in 2017, and it feels like the Java track has...

    Announcing the Release of the State of Open Source in the Global South Report

    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 09:25 by Thabang Mashologu
    At the Eclipse Foundation, we believe in empowering developers to harness the power of technology to drive positive change in the world. Today, we are excited to announce the release of the State of Open Source in the Global South report. Based on the results of in-depth interviews and a...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #235

    Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE! As I wrote last week, all the Jakarta EE 11 specifications are now finished and the remaining work to get Jakarta EE 11 released is to finalize the refactoring of the TCK and have at least one open-source compatible...