Blog Posts

    The Highest Compliment

    Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - 08:55 by Mike Milinkovich
    There comes a time in the life of every open source community when they know they’ve made it…that the work they are doing is fundamentally changing the industry and impacting how people look at the development landscape. So when is that moment? Is it when it hits 50 million downloads...

    An interesting use of RCP…

    Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 08:14 by Anonymous (not verified)
    It is great that people are sending in examples of RCP applications. We posting a list here. Every once in a while someone sends me an example that is really different. Last week, Wolfgang Gehner for Infonoia SA sent me a link to the application they did for the World...

    Big Night!

    Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - 23:59 by Wayne Beaton
    The CDT Contributors Conference wrapped up tonight with a social event at a local pool hall. The event was well attended by lots of really smart people. To start with, Ward Cunningham was there. Early in the evening Dave Thomas showed up. Brian Foote was there as well. Of course...