Blog Posts

    Bottoms Up

    Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 22:35 by Mike Milinkovich
    The past two days have been both busy and exciting. Today was the Eclipse Members meeting. Yesterday I was in the Board meeting while Ian Skerrett and Skip McGaughey were leading the new members meeting and the Eclipse marketing symposium. The marketing symposium was definitely a big hit with the...

    Who is using SWT?

    Monday, September 19, 2005 - 10:41 by Wayne Beaton
    If you’re using RCP or even Eclipse itself, you’re using SWT. So… who’s using SWT? Lots of folks are. Ian Skerrett gave some examples of folks using RCP (and SWT by extension) in an blog entry several months back. If you’re using RCP/Eclipse, you’ve also been using Eclipse’s OSGi implementation...

    Extending RCP beyond the desktop

    Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 14:04 by Wayne Beaton
    I guess that the name “Rich Client Platform” should be a tip-off that applications built using RCP technology can extend beyond the desktop. Essentially… if you have a client, it seems that you should probably also have a server. Last night, I started build a collection of views (with an...

    Time isn’t free

    Monday, September 12, 2005 - 10:02 by Wayne Beaton
    In response to my Friday posting, RefuX said “Linux is cheap if your time is free”. This statement is, of course, absolutely correct. However a similar statement about the cost of your time can be made about operating systems that you have to pay for. The amount of time that...

    Eclipse in 64 bits

    Friday, September 9, 2005 - 13:06 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve been given this pretty cool Linux desktop system to play with. It wasn’t until I started to download Eclipse 3.1 that I realized it was a 64 bit installation (the Eclipse download page detects the operating system). Cool, I thought. The system even came with a Java Runtime Environment...