Blog Posts

    JavaOne Fun

    Monday, June 27, 2005 - 18:45 by Mike Milinkovich
    Well dropping by the Eclipse booth this afternoon really made my day. On the first day of the exhibit hall being open, the interest in the Eclipse Passport and the Eclipse t-shirts has been awesome. When I dropped by there was a line of at least twenty people there waiting...

    Countdown to 3.1 and JavaOne

    Friday, June 24, 2005 - 01:57 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Next week is going to be pretty busy. Eclipse 3.1 will be released. Don’t forget to sign-up for the Million Download Challenge. Ed Burnette has started a pool on when 3.1 will be declared. I’ll predict June 27. JavaOne is shaping up to be very busy. I will be spending...

    Press releases for next week

    Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 17:05 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Next Monday we are going to issue 3 press releases at JavaOne: 1)Release 1 will discuss the launch of 3.1 and the other project release, such as Web Tools, TPTP, etc., 2) Release 2 will highlight Eclipse RCP and 3) Release 3 will announce the 100th organization to join Eclipse...

    Free Eclipse T-Shirts at JavaOne

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 16:15 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Eclipse will be giving away Eclipse t-shirts at JavaOne. All thanks to the cooperation and sponsorship of 12 Eclipse member companies: Actuate, Agitar, BEA, Catalyst/Openmake, Compuware, Datamirror, Enerjy, Exadel, JBoss, M7, Parasoft and Sybase. As with all good things in life, nothing is completely free. To receive a t-shirt, all...

    Million Download Challenge

    Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 16:18 by Anonymous (not verified)
    About two weeks ago, I suggested we do something to celebrate once Eclipse 3.1 reaches the million download mark. Kim Horne came up with a great idea that allows all Eclipse enthusiasts to participate and help the broader community. Her idea is to have willing participants donate volunteer time or...

    Eclipse & RIA

    Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 23:35 by Mike Milinkovich
    Hot on the heels of my last post comes some very exciting news about the use of Eclipse in the Rich Internet Application (RIA) space. In my last post I talked about how James Governor‘s post on RCP showed that he really understands some of the potential of the Eclipse...