Blog Posts

    Storing server data locally

    Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 22:22 by Wayne Beaton
    I’m working my way through the list of questions posed during the Eclipse RCP webinar. One listener asked about a dozen questions (and I’m hoping to get to them all, really), including this one: When talking about the user working offline with the intelligence in the application – where and...

    Java Detour

    Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 21:16 by Mike Milinkovich
    After the Eclipse Board and Council meetings I headed down to San Diego to meet with the Executive Committees of the Java Community Process. I was there to have a conversation on what Eclipse is and what we do. On the way to SFO, we drove by this coffee shop...

    Web Tools Platform 1.0 Release

    Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 15:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
    The Web Tools Platform team is getting ready for their 1.0 release. We are issuing a press release on Monday about the release. Tim Wagner is the PMC leader of the WTP project. I had the chance to chat with Tim last week at the Eclipse council meetings. He agreed...

    Development Methodology

    Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 19:16 by Wayne Beaton
    I’m working my way through the list of questions posed during the Eclipse RCP webinar. One listener asked: What methodology do you propose people use? This is an easy one: we don’t. I’m a huge fan of agile development methodologies (especially Extreme Programming) and so recommend that you at least...

    RIA tools at Eclipse

    Friday, December 16, 2005 - 11:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
    The really cool thing about Eclipse is that it is a platform for many things. Take RIA tools, it seems a lot of the RIA solutions are basing their tools on Eclipse. For instance, Nexaweb just joined the Eclipse Foundation and based their Nexaweb Studio on Eclipse. Macromedia has already...

    Eclipse Meetings

    Friday, December 16, 2005 - 00:22 by Mike Milinkovich
    Every once in a while we try out something new and it really works well. Some months back I realized that Bjorn booked the Council meetings the same week as the Board meeting. It’s hard for me to be in two places at once. The solution? Co-locate the two meetings...


    Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 05:36 by Wayne Beaton
    The Eclipse Foundation is at JavaPolis in Antwerp, Belgium this week. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to see very much of the conference outside of what we’re doing, because we’re pretty busy. We hosted a “Plug-in Bazaar” yesterday which was pretty cool. Many plug-in providers (for various products, including Eclipse)...


    Monday, December 12, 2005 - 12:07 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I am spending Monday in San Diego at ApacheCon for their business track. The morning keynote titled Open Source is not a crime — yet! was by Cory Doctorow for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He is an incredibly dynamic speaker but paints a very dim view of the future of...