Blog Posts

    Marketing to Bloggers

    Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 05:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
    When we do our launch in June, I want to make sure we get the message out via different blogs and developer forums. I’ve been contemplating what is the best method to convince people to write about Eclipse in their blogs. Microsoft has taken an interesting approach of actually recruiting...

    Eclipse Tops in SD Times 100

    Monday, May 16, 2005 - 11:04 by Anonymous (not verified)
    SD Times just released their annual SD Times 100 annual survey of the most influential companies and organziations in the industry. The Eclipse Foundation come out on top in the Tools and Environments category and listed as one of the key influencers. More importantly a good portion of the 72...

    Eclipse independence

    Friday, May 13, 2005 - 03:40 by Mike Milinkovich
    NetBeans just shipped their 4.1 release. Congratulations guys. By all reports it is a much better Java IDE than its predecessor releases. But this statement included in InfoWorld’s coverage of their release certainly has me stumped: The Sun executives also expressed doubts about whether the Eclipse Foundation actually is independent...

    Dumping. Not.

    Friday, May 13, 2005 - 03:12 by Mike Milinkovich
    I read this morning an interesting blog entry by Bob Foster entitled Eclipse is not Apache. I certainly agree with Bob’s conclusions, which I summarize as: (a) it would be exceedingly hard to use Eclipse as a dumping ground for code (you can also see my post on TheServerSide on...

    European Tour

    Thursday, May 12, 2005 - 19:44 by Mike Milinkovich
    So I have been on the road again this week. First stop was Germany where I was speaking at the JAX conference. The buzz and energy around Eclipse is huge in Germany. Based on a show of hands, at least 90% of the crowd at JAX are using Eclipse for...

    Ed Burnette’s Great Adventure

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 07:51 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I recently asked Ed Burnette to help write an article about Eclipse 3.1 for an upcoming edition of JDJ. Ed, being a great supportter, said ‘sure and I’m going to get input from the community on my blog. ‘ Kind of a cool way to write an article and something...

    Eclipse at JavaOne

    Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 11:48 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Eclipse is going to have a booth at JavaOne. I expect Sun to be pushing hard on NetBeans, so I want to make sure Eclipse has a strong showing. Right now we are planning to feature the new releases of each project. If anyone is going to JavaOne and wants...

    Marketing Launch of 3.1

    Monday, May 9, 2005 - 06:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    We are starting to get ready for the marketing launch of Eclipse 3.1 and all of the other projects that are launching at the same time, including WTP, TPTP, EMF, GEF, VE, UML2, AspectJ,etc. It is really amazing to me that all of these projects will be releasing within 30...

    EclipseCon Metrics

    Friday, May 6, 2005 - 10:25 by Mike Milinkovich
    Joe Winchester sent me an email asking whatever happened to the last slide presented at EclipseCon this year. You know, the one that talked about the various consumption patterns of the attendees. Well, here it is. You really have to wonder if there is a correlation between the 792 gallons...

    Project Phoenix

    Monday, May 2, 2005 - 14:31 by Mike Milinkovich
    One of the many hats that I wear is project lead for the Phoenix project at Eclipse. This is the project that we have proposed to rebuild the website. The project is being set up using the same open source rules of engagement that other projects use at Eclipse...