Blog Posts

    SD Times 100 Winners

    Monday, June 5, 2006 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
    It is nice to see Eclipse is once again recognized in the SD Times 100. This year we were named in the Influencers and Rich Client Category and won the Tools and Environments category. Next year I want to win in the Rich Client category too. It is also great...

    Eclipse Sudoku!

    Friday, June 2, 2006 - 14:41 by Wayne Beaton
    I managed to speed up my puzzle generation algorithm by a few orders of magnitude. In the process, I got a free solver out of it. The Sudoku game is coming along quite nicely; not bad for about three days worth of actual effort. We’ve also wrapped up the plug-in...

    Computer Sciency stuff…

    Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 15:03 by Wayne Beaton
    It’s only every once in a while that I really get to geek out and use some of that computer science stuff I learned in university. Frankly, I quite enjoy these little opportunities (disturbingly, most of these opportunities have something to do with combinatorics and recurrence equations). Yesterday, I wrote...

    Certification for Eclipse RCP

    Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
    At JavaOne, I met John Rizzo from JavaBlackBelt and he mentioned to me that they had an Eclipse RCP exam. JavaBlackBelt uses a community based approach for developing certification exams of various Java related technology. It looks like an interesting model for creating certifications. The Eclipse RCP exam is still...

    I Highly Recommend Fishing

    Monday, May 29, 2006 - 23:16 by Mike Milinkovich
    Like Steve O’Grady, fishing for me has never been about just catching fish. In fact, if we do manage to catch fish, that’s just the icing on the cake. Enjoying the scenery and some good times are the primary motivations. And although the scenery where we were cannot compare with...

    Eclipse at ECOOP

    Monday, May 29, 2006 - 13:23 by Wayne Beaton
    The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ( ECOOP) 2006 is being held in Nantes, France from July 3rd to 7th. Eclipse is going to be there in full force. The Eclipse Technology Exchange (eTX) Workshop will be held on July 4th. The goal of the eTX workshop is to create...

    Creating Micro-platforms

    Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - 12:18 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Eclipse has been very successful in developing a common platform for development tools integration. In fact, I believe one of the strengths of Eclipse is the large ecosystems of vendors, individuals and organizations that are building on top of the Eclipse platform. However, Eclipse is not unique in creating this...