Blog Posts

    Foundation in the Wild

    Monday, June 26, 2006 - 14:04 by Mike Milinkovich
    The staff of the Eclipse Foundation are a little spread out. We have most of the people here in Ottawa, but Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Ward Cunningham and Anne Jacko are all in Portland, Skip McGaughey is in North Carolina and Ralph Mueller is in Germany. Since everyone is so spread out...

    Eclipse application architecture

    Monday, June 26, 2006 - 11:43 by Wayne Beaton
    In response to my Friday entry, Jeroen asked about Eclipse application design; how do you architect an Eclipse application? It’s a good question. I tend to fall back on classic patterns. As a start, I separate my application into multiple layers, employing the well known model-view-controller pattern. Typically, I’ll separate...

    The Callisto Culture

    Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 12:40 by Mike Milinkovich
    Probably very few people know this, but when I first heard of the idea of doing what has become known as Callisto, I hated the idea. In fact, I attempted an ultimately unsuccessful argument against it. There were various reasons for this, but chief amongst them was that I didn’t...

    Motorola Joins Eclipse Board

    Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 11:08 by Mike Milinkovich
    Motorola announced this morning that they have joined the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer and has proposed a new project focused on tools for mobile Linux. This is to complement the initiative they announced last week around mobile Linux. We’ve been working towards this for some months now, and...

    Great coverage of Higgins

    Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 09:31 by Anonymous (not verified)
    David Berlind has been providing some great coverage of Eclipse Higgins at the Harvard Identity Mashup conference. His first posting provides a nice introduction and a great demo via some screen shots. Well worth the read. This was followed up by a post today that features a Q&A with Mary...

    Playback of Eclipse Webinars

    Monday, June 19, 2006 - 08:52 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Today, we ran that last of the 3 webinars featuring different projects included in Callisto. If you are interested, the webinars were recorded and are available for playback. Each webinar is about 50-60 minutes in length. The feedback we have received has been very positive, so it maybe worth your...