Blog Posts

    Depth and Breadth

    Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 11:23 by Mike Milinkovich
    In my role, I spend quite a bit of time following the various companies and products building on top of the Eclipse platform. That could probably become a full-time job if I let it. There is an enormous amount of energy in the Eclipse ecosystem. But every once in a...

    German Culture

    Monday, July 17, 2006 - 14:38 by Mike Milinkovich
    Sometimes I wonder if I was German in a previous life. I certainly spend a lot of time there, and I always enjoy myself. Seriously, any country that firmly believes that beer and business mix is my kind of place. Two weeks ago I was lucky enough to be in...

    New Cover Story for Eclipse

    Thursday, July 13, 2006 - 06:05 by Anonymous (not verified)
    OK, I am a sucker for a magazine that does a cover story on Eclipse. Last night I was in my neighbourhood magazine shop, looking through some of the computer magazines. I pulled out a magazine called PHP Architect and what do I find an Eclipse cover story. Also a...

    Lotus Notes on Linux and Eclipse

    Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - 11:08 by Anonymous (not verified)
    This week IBM announced a new version of Lotus Notes for Linux. Steve Hamm at Business Week did a great write-up that heaps lots of praise on Eclipse. I especially like the quote: Thanks to Eclipse, IBM was able to produce the Linux version of Notes in just one year–and...

    Planes, trains,and automobiles…

    Thursday, July 6, 2006 - 09:02 by Wayne Beaton
    One of the things I really enjoy about traveling in Europe is the train system. They have a vibrant train system; something that we’re missing in North America. This week, I’ve been in Europe, attending both ECOOP and Java Forum Stuttgart. Unfortunately, the “Eclipse Bistro” I assembled for ECOOP didn’t...

    31,755 and counting

    Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 23:12 by Wayne Beaton
    So far there have been 31,755 downloads of the Eclipse SDK 3.2 and 3,066 downloads of the Platform Runtime Binaries. This seems like a lot to me considering that it is the first weekend in July (first officialish weekend of summer in the northern hemisphere) and the start of a...