Blog Posts

    Eclipse Callisto Installed!

    Friday, June 30, 2006 - 18:37 by Mike Milinkovich
    Basically, I am at best a casual Eclipse user, as coding is not generally part of my day-to-day job any longer. But I do think it’s pretty cool how easy it is to download and install all of the projects that shipped as part of the Callisto release. I just...

    It’s alive… alive!!!

    Friday, June 30, 2006 - 16:58 by Wayne Beaton
    The Callisto projects are now replicated to a handful of mirrors and are ready for download. Click here to start the Callisto experience. For more excitement… see the video of Denis bringing the Callisto release to life.

    Share Your Callisto Experiences

    Friday, June 30, 2006 - 16:18 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Now that Callisto is out, it is your turn to talk. Tell people what you like and dislike, what are the cool new things, what is the easiest way to get things installed, what projects are you using? Write a blog posting, post something to EclipseZone or leave a comment...

    Forrester Open Source Wave Report

    Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 07:53 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Forrester has just released their first Open Source Wave Report. I think it is great that Forrester is doing this type of open source research. It will help educate the mainstream IT decision maker on the health and maturity of the open source communities. It also provides legitimacy for those...

    Lots of RCP and OSGi news

    Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 06:55 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Beyond the hype/press around Callisto, it has been a good news week for RCP and Equinox. First, we have made available two new RCP case studies: PlumCanary Chirp and Refractions uDig. In the world of mashups and Google Maps, it is really amazing to see the next level of sophistication...

    Press Coverage of Callisto

    Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - 16:32 by Anonymous (not verified)
    As many people have noticed we issued the Callisto press release this Monday. We have nice received coverage in most major English-language tech-oriented publication. Instead of listing them here, check out my Callisto tagroll. [Note for some reason I can not convince Blogger to allow me to embedd javascript...