Blog Posts

    Web services anyone?

    Wednesday, May 3, 2006 - 15:32 by Wayne Beaton
    The WebTools team has put together some tutorials on building web services and web services clients with WebTools 1.5. Check ’em out. In a fit of stupidity, I pasted the wrong link above. It should be /ws/1.5M6/tutorials/index.html. It’s correct now.

    Linux Distros Working Group

    Wednesday, May 3, 2006 - 10:01 by Anonymous (not verified)
    It seems after EclipseCon, good things start to happen in the Eclipse community. For instance at EclispeCon, I met Matt Ryan from Novel SUSE, he was very interested in raising the awareness of Eclipse in the Suse community. Matt, also talk to a number of other people at EclipseCon and...

    Creating Eclipse Plug-in Webinar

    Monday, May 1, 2006 - 11:30 by Anonymous (not verified)
    We are organizing another webinar with the folks at BZ Media. This time the topic will be ‘ Creating Eclipse Plug-ins‘ and will be held May 23 at 1:00pmET. Eric Clayberg and Dan Rubel, authors of the popular book ‘ Eclipse: Building Commerical-Quality Plug-ins‘ will be leading the session. If...