Blog Posts

    Fostering the European cloud ecosystem: UNLOCK the economic benefits

    Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 06:21 by Gael Blondelle
    Last week, we presented the OSC Report, revealing the data behind our call to accelerate the adoption of Open Services Cloud (OSC) in Europe. We held incredible and thought-provoking discussions about the importance of creating technical opportunities and unlocking the European cloud services market. By overcoming the challenges of the...

    Jakarta EE Developer Survey

    Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 11:56 by Ivar Grimstad
    Already got enough T-shirts, you say? Well, I will tell you a secret…You can never have enough T-shirts! And here’s an opportunity to get an exclusive one. It is as simple as this: Complete the 2023 Jakarta EE Developer Survey to enter the draw for a T-shirt! The 2023 edition...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #174

    Sunday, April 30, 2023 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE! Conference season is upon us. Last week, I visited Bangalore, India to speak at GIDS 2023. This week I am going to Athens, Greece to speak at Devoxx Greece 2023. This is the first time Devoxx takes place in...

    GIDS 2023

    Thursday, April 27, 2023 - 04:35 by Ivar Grimstad
    This was my third trip to Bangalore and the Great International Developer Summit 2023, or GIDS for short (I also did an online talk in 2020, but I don’t count those any longer…). GIDS is a well-organized conference over four days with around 1200 attendees every day, some attending one...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #173

    Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE! I wrote in Hashtag Jakarta EE #172 that presented How To Be a Responsible Open Source Cicizen at the Java Heroes Mini Conference in Singapore last week. Take a look at this amazing drawing by Jérôme Bourgeon that summarizes...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #172

    Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 04:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE! I am back from the JCP Executive Committee meeting in Singapore where we also participated in the Java Heroes Mini Conference organized by Singapore JUG. The conference started with a panel of all JCP EC Members, myself included...

    Help Identify IoT and Edge Computing Trends By Participating in Our Annual Survey

    Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 14:28 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Eclipse IoT and Eclipse Edge Native recently opened the 2023 edition of the IoT & Edge Developer Adoption Survey. The results of the annual survey provide essential insights into the IoT & edge industry landscape, including the unique challenges faced by developers, as well as opportunities for enterprise IoT &...