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JPrime 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 11:13 by Ivar Grimstad

JPrime in Sofia is one of my favorite conferences. The event has two tracks, which means that you always have a good crowd even if there is a superstar speaker in the other room at the same time. The venue has a big outdoor patio and is surrounded by a park, so it is possible to enjoy some time in the sun between the talks, or if you need to escape the buzz in the exhibition area for a little while.

My talk at JPrime this year was The Final Frontier of Web Development – React Server Components vs Jakarta EE. In the demo section, I take the audience on a tour of what someone may call old-school technologies and compare them to modern equivalents. Rather than old-school, I would call them solid technologies that stand the test of time.

An outcome of this talk is that I am inspired to create an abstract for a new talk that continues down this path, but more on the benefits of separation of concerns and that the business logic belongs on the server.

In the morning before the first day of the conference, I did a morning run with Cay and Michael. Directly after this photo was taken, it started raining. And pretty soon it was pouring down. Michael was our guide for this run, and he took us on a loop in the nearby forest. Despite the rain fogging up his glasses, making navigation difficult, we made it back in time for breakfast.