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Spring I/O 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024 - 11:29 by Ivar Grimstad

This was my first time attending and speaking at Spring I/O. The conference is located in Barcelona and attracts around 1200 attendees from all over the World. The two-day conference has four parallel tracks as well as two workshop tracks.

Spring I/O is an extremely well-organized conference. Everything flows smoothly, both before and during the conference. I felt really welcomed and appreciated as a speaker. The whole event has a great community spirit. I will definitely submit a talk or two when the CFP for Spring I/O 2025 opens up!

I had a great time presenting Why Spring Matters to Jakarta EE – and Vice Versa at Spring I/O. The crowd was engaging, and I had a lot of good conversations about the topic afterward. Even if I most likely was the only one wearing a Jakarta EE T-shirt at this Spring event, I didn’t feel alone at all. The Java community is the same anywhere, warm and welcoming.

No conference without a morning run, and Spring I/O was no exception. On day 2, Abdel, Ash, and I had a nice 7K run around Barcelona. A refreshing start of the day.