Blog Posts

    Eclipse Examples Project

    Monday, September 10, 2007 - 16:07 by Wayne Beaton
    Two weeks ago, I informed the EMO of my intent to propose a new “Eclipse Examples Project” (EEP! for short). I had tried to work out a name that would result in the acronym “EEK”, but I couldn’t make it work (but I digress). The idea behind the project is...

    Should Mozilla be more like Eclipse?

    Monday, September 10, 2007 - 11:14 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Matt Assay is suggesting Mozilla should be more like Eclipse, specifically in terms of promoting commercial development on top of Firefox. Well sometimes I wish Eclipse was more like Mozilla. Things like SpreadFirefox, the scale of Firefox adoption and the revenue Mozilla generates is fantastic. Something I wish we could...

    Branching with Eclipse and CVS

    Friday, September 7, 2007 - 13:54 by Wayne Beaton
    Paul Glezen has updated his “Branching with Eclipse and CVS” article for Eclipse 3.3. The new article is a two-parter: part one presents a brief branch-and-merge scenario designed to quickly illustrate some branch-and-merge features, and part two shows how to rebase a subbranch with changes from the main branch before...

    Introducing the Eclipse MLP

    Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - 15:04 by Anonymous (not verified)
    After much discussion, debate, a bit of crying and bribery (my favourite parenting technique), I have secured one MLP from my daughters’ collection for the Eclipse MLP Tour. They weren’t thrilled about me taking their entire collection on the road but have agreed to part with one. The conversation went...

    The Eclipse MLP Tour

    Friday, August 31, 2007 - 11:37 by Anonymous (not verified)
    The latest rage in the software marketing seems to be doing road shows on buses or trucks. The Adobe AIR bus seemed to have started the trend and now the NetBean’s guys are following up with the NetBean’s mobile. There is even a good natured competition on who has the...