Blog Posts


    Monday, October 1, 2007 - 16:29 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve been hinting at this project for a few weeks now, and I’m glad to see the proposal finally posted. The “Riena” project intends to produce an Über Rich Client Platform. I found out about this project only a week or so after I agreed to co-host the upcoming “RCP...

    RAP is hot

    Monday, October 1, 2007 - 11:46 by Wayne Beaton
    Last Wednesday, Anne (representing the EMO) announced the graduation review of the Rich Ajax Platform ( RAP) project and created Bug 204737 for comments. The graduation review itself will be held on October 3rd, but the community has already started voting. I don’t know if this is unheard of, but...

    Open Financial Market Platform Workshop: Services for a Banking Platform

    Friday, September 28, 2007 - 00:41 by Wayne Beaton
    After carefully editing out the “ Oprah Incident“, I’ve posted a new podcast of my recent discussion with Stephan Wilzcek about the Open Financial Market Platform Workshop: Services for a Banking Platform workshop that he is co-hosting at Eclipse Summit Europe. The podcast should show up on EclipseLive (and the...

    Integrating Test-Driven Development in the Development Process Symposium

    Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 22:11 by Wayne Beaton
    On Monday, I spoke with Christine Mitterbauer about the upcoming “ Integrating Test-Driven Development in the Development Process Symposium” at Eclipse Summit Europe (ESE). Christine, who is a senior software engineer with MicroDoc, is co-leading the symposium with George Mesesan, also from MicroDoc. In the podcast, Christine discusses some of...

    Diversity Rocks

    Saturday, September 22, 2007 - 00:05 by Wayne Beaton
    I’m not sure if this is diversity at work or not, but have you been watching the Visual Editor Project’s ( VEP) Project’s ve-dev list lately? The project-that-could seems to be gathering steam. There’s not what I would call a huge amount of activity, but there seems to be a...

    Introducing the EUPL

    Thursday, September 20, 2007 - 11:23 by Mike Milinkovich
    I was very intrigued to learn about the European Union Public License today. Having a government-drafted and supported open source license is breaking new ground as far as I know. I found in particularly interesting that they drafters selected the Eclipse Public License as one of the licenses they will...