Blog Posts

    RSS for articles

    Saturday, April 22, 2006 - 17:53 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve added an RSS feed for articles to the Eclipse Corner website. You can access the feed here. It contains the title, description, and a link to articles changed in the last six months. Add your comments to Bug#: 137751 if you’d like to change anything about it. For example...

    Hannover Community Building

    Saturday, April 22, 2006 - 14:17 by Mike Milinkovich
    One of the most interesting new products being built on top of the Eclipse RCP is the new version of IBM’s Lotus Notes client. Dubbed the “Hannover” release, it is a complete significant re-write of the Notes UI on top of RCP. (Or more accurately on top of Workplace Client...

    Clean up

    Friday, April 21, 2006 - 14:24 by Wayne Beaton
    Cleaning up your code gets easier with Eclipse 3.2. Select a Java element. Any element. It works on classes, packages, and projects (intuitively, the element selected determines the scope of the clean up). Select “Source > Clean Up…” from the context menu. Here’s what you’ll see. You’re presented with a...

    Eclipse for Swing development

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 16:17 by Wayne Beaton
    I’m surprised by the number of folks who don’t realize that you can use Eclipse to build Swing-based applications. There’s no rule that says that you can only use Eclipse to build Eclipse plug-ins or RCP applications. There’s no rules governing the kinds of applications you can build with Eclipse...

    Development Tools for Eclipse RCP

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 16:12 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I’ve noticed in the last 1-2 months companies and open source projects marketing tools for building Eclipse RCP applications. For example, Instantiations announced their RCP Developer product at EclipseCon and have a free trial download. Don Young from InPowerSoft has posted a very detailed article at EclipseZone about their InPowerForms...

    A Great Loss

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 10:35 by Mike Milinkovich
    The Eclipse community suffered a great loss this weekend with the passing of Kim Clohessy. Within Eclipse, Kim was one of the leaders of the Open Healthcare Framework project. But for many of us who have deep roots with OTI, Kim had been a friend, mentor and colleague for many...

    Java Browsing

    Monday, April 17, 2006 - 22:18 by Wayne Beaton
    Earlier today, in a blog entry titled “ Show Source of Selected Element Only“, author R.J. Lorimer described the “Show source of selected element only” feature. Frankly, it’s a pretty cool feature and I think that R.J. did a bang up job of describing it. However, he missed one important...

    Using the Selection Service

    Monday, April 17, 2006 - 21:54 by Wayne Beaton
    In this new Eclipse Corner article, “ Eclipse Workbench: Using the Selection Service“, author Marc R. Hoffmann describes (oddly enough) the selection service provided by the Eclipse workbench, how it is used by Eclipse and how you can use it in your own plug-ins and RCP applications. I used Marc’s...

    Seeking a Balance

    Sunday, April 16, 2006 - 23:30 by Mike Milinkovich
    I just came across this post on John O’Shea’s blog. I think it raises a very interesting point: Unfortunately, is also starting to exhibit similar cracks. A cursory look at the architectures of many of the top level projects (WTP, STP, TPTP, BIRT etc.) shows the lack of intra-project...