Blog Posts

    Halo "Challenge"

    Wednesday, March 22, 2006 - 12:28 by Wayne Beaton
    I only managed to catch a few minutes of the Halo Challenge yesterday at EclipseCon. When I left, Doug was taking on seven challengers and was beating them handily (all the while yelling, “I’m in the bunker, no… the other … Continue reading →

    Are you sitting down?

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 22:45 by Wayne Beaton
    Janet, Bjorn, and I made a poster describing the Eclipse legal process. It’s pretty complex. Janet printed up a 3’x4′ poster for the exhibit hall at EclipseCon. It looks a lot cooler in “freakin’ huge” size…


    Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 22:42 by Wayne Beaton
    Yesterday, I spoke with dozens of folks doing great things with Eclipse technology. One pretty common theme–one that I’ve seen repeated in far too many places–is hesitation to report bugs. Everybody gives a different reason for not reporting bugs. Some simply don’t know how. Some figure that their bugs will...

    Thank you to our judges?

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 20:10 by Anonymous (not verified)
    A number of people have asked me how the winners of the Eclipse Community Awards were selected. The Individual awards were voted on by the community. The Technology awards were selected by a panel of judges. The judges used three criteria for selected the winners were: Usability and intuitiveness of...

    Panel Questions

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 17:48 by Mike Milinkovich
    Last year for the Eclipse Community Project Spot Light panel, we collected questions from the community to ask the PMC leaders. If you would like to provide us with a question, please do one of the following: Add it as a comment to the talk. Send me an email at...

    Highlights So Far

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 15:48 by Mike Milinkovich
    So here are my personal EclipseCon 2006 highlights so far: The Sun team promoting NetBeans out front. Hilarious! I’m proud to say that I’ve got my full allotment of NetBeans kit: one CD and one bottle of water. Joel Spolsky’s keynote. It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed as...

    Eclipse Community Award Winners

    Monday, March 20, 2006 - 18:59 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Congratulations to the winners of the Eclipse Awards. The winners were announced during a reception this evening at EclipseCon. I hope someone else will post some pictures of the event. The winners are: Top Ambassador: Ed Burnette Top Contributor: Linda Watson Top Committer: Alain Magloire Best Open Source RCP Application...

    Spoke too soon…

    Monday, March 20, 2006 - 17:12 by Wayne Beaton
    I suggested earlier that I hadn’t yet seen any girls with love in their eyes or flowers in their hair. It turns out, I just missed ’em (okay, so there were no flowers and more of a vacuous look, but I’ll take it).

    EclipseCon BoFs

    Monday, March 20, 2006 - 17:03 by Wayne Beaton
    The BoF sign up board has arrived and is in the Registration area. If you’d like to host a BoF, there are forms attached to the board for you to fill out (you only need to fill out the front of the form, the back is just the result of...