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Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Yining Wang for Contributions to Open VSX

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 13:03 by John Kellerman

The Eclipse Cloud Developer Tools contributor award for this month goes to Yining Wang from Ericsson for her contributions to github.com/eclipse/openvsx and github.com/EclipseFdn/open-vsx.org, its deployment at Open VSX Registry.


The Open VSX Registry at open-vsx.org is a vendor-neutral open-source alternative to the Visual Studio Marketplace for VS Code extensions. A public instance of the Registry is hosted by the Eclipse Foundation, but more instances can be freely deployed in public or private places. The primary purpose of this project is to provide a marketplace for VS Code extensions that can be used with Eclipse Theia and other IDEs. Another important goal is to allow self-hosting the Registry, e.g. within a company network. None of this is currently possible with the VS Marketplace, which is proprietary and may be accessed only from Visual Studio products. These projects are part of the Eclipse Cloud DevTool Working Group.

Yining has made a significant impact on the Open VSX project. She works with Ericsson on internal projects as well as directly on the Open VSX’s code base. With her open and supportive work, she already has helped out people around the globe, internal to Ericson and external, in both English and Mandarin. She has been laying the groundwork down for a more stable Open VSX by removing background noise tasks. In addition, as a result of her hard work and contributions, Yining has been nominated to get committer status.

Thanks to Yining for your contributions and congratulations for winning this award!

The Cloud DevTools Working Group provides a vendor-neutral ecosystem of open-source projects focused on defining, implementing and promoting best-in-class web and cloud-based development tools. It is hosted at the Eclipse Foundation, current members of the group include AMD, Arm, EclipseSource, Ericsson, Obeo, RedHat, Renesas, STMicroelectronics and TypeFox.

This Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award is sponsored by EclipseSource, providing consulting and implementation services for web-based tools, Eclipse GLSPEclipse Theia, and VS Code.