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Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Stefan Dirix for CDT Cloud Blueprint (online)

Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 13:16 by John Kellerman

The Eclipse Cloud Developer Tools contributor award for August goes to Stefan Dirix at EclipseSource for his contributions to CDT Cloud Blueprint. Due to his very recent contributions to several participating components, you can now try CDT Cloud Blueprint online:

CDT Cloud Blueprint Online

CDT Cloud Blueprint is a template tool for integrating and combining a set of components to create a vanilla C/C++ IDE. You can download it, install it and use it for C/C++ development. As such, it provides a good overall experience of the capabilities of CDT Cloud and third party components. Further, as the sources and build scripts for CDT Cloud Blueprint are open source, you can use CDT Cloud Blueprint as a starting point to create your own custom C/C++ tool by integrating your toolchains, customizing the user interface, adding specific editors and views such as project editors or wizards, and wrapping it in your branding. Please refer to the documentation on how to build a custom tool based on CDT Cloud Blueprint for more information.

CDT Cloud Blueprint

CDT Cloud Blueprint combines and integrates various open source technologies provided by a diverse group of contributors. Stefan, as the project lead of CDT Cloud Blueprint, has done an excellent job, on a technical level, in integrating these technologies into one consistent tool. Equally as important, on a communication level, he is the pivotal element across several CDT Cloud projects, with contributions to participating projects such as Trace Compass Cloud, to ultimately enable the online version of CDT Cloud Blueprint.

Of course, great technologies such as CDT Cloud depend on many contributors. We would like to also honor the strategic contributions from STMicroelectronicsEricssonRenesasArm and Kichwa Coders to CDT Cloud.

Thank you Stefan, well earned and congratulations!

The Cloud DevTools Working Group provides a vendor-neutral ecosystem of open-source projects focused on defining, implementing and promoting best-in-class web and cloud-based development tools. It is hosted at the Eclipse Foundation, current members of the group include AMD, Arm, EclipseSource, Ericsson, Obeo, RedHat, Renesas, STMicroelectronics and TypeFox.

This Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award is sponsored by EclipseSource, providing consulting and implementation services for web-based tools, Eclipse GLSPEclipse Theia, and VS Code.