Blog Posts

    When to use Eclipse RCP?

    Monday, December 5, 2005 - 09:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
    As we start talking more and more about Eclipse RCP, I find it important to be able to describe when someone should consider using Eclipse RCP, instead of alternative technologies. If anything it starts to help people better understand the capabilities of Eclipse RCP. In the space of platforms for...

    Eclipse Community Awards

    Sunday, December 4, 2005 - 15:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
    We have just announced the Eclipse Community Awards (yes I know we need a better name, more on that later). A lot of individuals and organizations spend countless hours contributing to the Eclipse community. This is your chance to nominate that individual or technology that you think is deserving of...

    The Order of the Phoenix

    Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 09:03 by Wayne Beaton
    Our website rebornPhoenix becomes the main siteHope you like purple I’m guessing that nobody was impressed with my Eclipse Haiku yesterday. That’s okay, it was my first attempt at an Eclipse-based Haiku (I wrote a few great ones about Alanis Morrisette last year, but I digress). It just gets better...

    RCP adoption numbers

    Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
    BZ Media just release their 2005 Eclipse Adoption Survey. Unfortunately, you need to purchase the survey to get access to all of the data. However, they did make public the results of a question about interest in RCP. I was pretty pleased that 25% indicated they were either using or...

    Eclipse RCP in Haiku

    Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - 10:22 by Wayne Beaton
    Here is my first attempt at writing a Haiku about Eclipse: Eclipse RCPNot just a window systemComponents are king! I believe that discussing Eclipse is a reasonably good stand-in for the requirement that traditional Haiku have something to do with nature (the Wikipedia says that it’s supposed to be a...

    Phoenix Rises

    Friday, November 25, 2005 - 15:20 by Mike Milinkovich
    We’re getting close to the final countdown for our first release of Phoenix on Nov. 30th. Or, in other words, finally switching the home page over to our new look and feel. The look and content have really come together in the last couple weeks and days. There’s nothing...

    Eclipse RCP Webinar

    Friday, November 25, 2005 - 08:20 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Jeff McAffer and Wayne Beaton will be hosting a webinar on Eclipse RCP on Dec. 1, 1:00pmET. We are doing this in conjunction with SD Times. If you are interested in learning more about RCP, feel free to join in and listen. This is the first time I have organized...