Blog Posts

    Glassfish Running Inside Eclipse

    Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 17:04 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Two weeks ago the Glassfish team announced their upcoming v3 version would be running on OSGi. Now Ludovic has a demo of Glassfish v3 running inside of Eclipse; I gather running on Equinox. Not sure about other people but this just seems so cool for many different reasons. Hopefully I...

    Redmonk Unconference

    Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 11:06 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Last year at JavaOne, the highlight for me was the Redmonk Unconference. It was a great venue to network, learn and discuss issues relevant to the open source community. The guys at Redmonk do a great job of bringing together the technologist and the business/marketing types into one place. I...

    SpringSource Annnounces New Application Server Based on Equinox

    Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - 09:00 by Anonymous (not verified)
    SpringSource has just launched a new application server, called SpringSource Application Platform, that is based on Equinox, Tomcat and Spring. The key thing is that it is not a Java EE application server but one that has been designed for modular development and deployment. InfoQ has a good write-up about...

    Eclipse Sessions at JavaOne

    Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 15:49 by Anonymous (not verified)
    JavaOne is in two weeks. Once again, the Eclipse Foundation will have a booth, be giving away Eclipse t-shirts and having our party at the Thirsty Bear. Besides free Eclipse SWAG and beer, there are also some interesting Eclipse related sessions at JavaOne: The Many Moons of Eclipse, Tuesday, May...

    Ganymede Launch Plans

    Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 09:41 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I am starting to work on the launch plans for Ganymede. I have a lot of respect and admiration (especially their graphics) for the way Mozilla promotes Firefox, so it was great to see Paul Kim blogging about their plans for Firefox 3. I agree with Paul, that having a...

    JAX 2008 Eclipse Nite moved

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 12:51 by Wayne Beaton
    We’re mixing things up a little for Eclipse Nite at JAX 2008 tonight. I turns out that the original room is just a little too close to a live band, so we’re moving across the building to room 6A. We’ll only be in room 6A for a few minutes; we’re...

    Update site Ganymede

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 04:36 by Benjamin Cabé
    J’ai été très mauvaise langue avec certains de mes collègues en leur conseillant de rester à la version 3.4 M5 d’Eclipse, p2 fonctionnant très mal sur la M6. Et bien, je retire tout ce que j’ai dit —pour l’instant En effet, depuis quelques jours, tous les packages M6 de Ganymede...

    Snippet Eclipse pour créer un singleton

    Monday, April 21, 2008 - 13:06 by Benjamin Cabé
    A avoir à tout prix dans sa configuration Eclipse, ce snippet permet de créer instantanément une implémentation du pattern Singleton pour une classe Java. Pour l’ajouter, allez dans Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Templates ; puis créez un nouveau snippet que vous appelerez… au hasard … “singleton” ! Vous pouvez éventuellement vous créer des variantes...