
Introducing the New and Improved Memory Inspector Debugger

Friday, March 19, 2021 - 12:55 by Brian King
Ericsson leverages Eclipse Theia to deliver user friendly cloud-first development and debugging capabilities This is a guest post by Ericsson, an Eclipse Cloud DevTools Strategic Working Group member. Authored by Colin Grant and Kenneth Marut, Web Technology Developers at Ericsson. When dealing with low-level code, the ability to inspect the...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Community Update - February 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 16:15 by Brian King
Since I last published a community update post in October, we’ve been busy in many areas focused on raising the profile of the Working Group and providing assistance to our projects. ECD Tools accelerates the adoption of Cloud IDE and container-based workspace management, through the adoption of standards, engagement with...

2021 Predictions: Open Source Cloud Development Tools as the New Standard

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 - 08:35 by Brian King
During 2020 we began to witness the coming of age of open source Cloud Development Tool technologies and increased adoption of those technologies, along with the acceleration of remote workplace practices. My prediction is that 2021 will be a tipping point for Open Source Cloud IDEs and associated technologies. Innovation...

Cloud Tool Time: a webinar series for cloud development tools

Monday, December 21, 2020 - 15:26 by Hudson Kelly
Launched in November 2020, the Cloud Tool Time webinar series aims to educate, innovate and engage with the fast growing cloud development tools community. The Eclipse Cloud Development (ECD) Tools working group has produced two webinar sessions to date, with promising community support and turnout for both sessions. Looking to...

A New Era for the Open VSX Registry

Friday, December 18, 2020 - 06:57 by Brian King
Last week on December 9, we completed the transition of the public instance of the Open VSX Registry at to the Eclipse Foundation. I previously wrote about this, and the implications for you, especially if you publish extensions. This post is a followup with some reminders and further information...