About Us
September was a big month for the ECD Tools WG, but before we jump into these exciting community updates, here is a brief reminder about what we do.
The Eclipse Cloud Development Tools Working Group (ECD Tools WG) is a vendor-neutral open source collaboration that focuses on defining, promoting and implementing tools for cloud-native development.
The ECD Tools WG accelerates the adoption of Cloud IDE and container-based workspace management, through the adoption of standards, engagement with third party developer tool providers, and the promotion of Eclipse projects to cloud developers.
We recently welcomed Intel as a Guest Member. Here is the full member line-up of our rapidly-growing Working Group.

For more information, read these resources:
To become a member, contact us about joining the ECD Tools Working Group.
ECD Tools ecosystem projects are already seeing broad adoption, and there is plenty happening in their respective communities. Here are some of the highlights from September:
Eclipse Theia is an extensible platform to develop multi-language Cloud & Desktop IDEs with state-of-the-art web technologies.
Work is being done on installable desktop versions of Theia. We are still early in this process, with the current focus on builds rather than features, but expect more to come.
The file system API was added
Gitpod, an early Theia adopter, was open-sourced
Theia is a vibrant project with a diverse set of contributors. Here are some ways you can help right now:
Help us keep up to date with the VS Code API
More guidance here
Publish your VS Code extension to OpenVSX
Join the conversation on the Theia Community forum
Open VSX
Open VSX is an open source registry for VS Code extensions. It is integrated in Theia, and used by Gitpod with more adopters on the way. Other highlights currently include:
Supports VSCodium (or any other VS Code fork)
We are building community of extension users and maintainers
We are in the process of moving open-vsx.org to the Eclipse Foundation
How you can get involved:
Development - frontend (React) and backend (Spring / SQL / Elasticsearch). Find out more on Github.
Help with community building by spreading the word and encouraging publishers to add their extensions
JKube enables hassle-free Cloud-Native Java Application development. It is a collection of plugins and libraries that are used for building container images using Docker, JIB or S2I build strategies.
A major milestone, version 1.0.0 was released
Fabric8 Maven Plugin users should migrate
New users should check the website for quickstarts
JKube has a new logo!
EMF.cloud and GLSP
These projects provide domain-specific tools in the cloud.
Eclipse EMF.cloud comprises a set of components that facilitate and simplify the adoption of the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) in cloud-based applications.
Eclipse GLSP is an open-source framework for efficiently developing graphical diagram editors for web- and cloud-based tools.
EMF.cloud has a new tree editor framework
There are three related sessions at EclipseCon, more information below
An online Demo is available at https://eclipsesource.com/coffee-editor.
Eclipse Che makes Kubernetes development accessible for developer teams, providing one-click developer workspaces and eliminating local environment configuration for your entire team. Che brings your Kubernetes application into your development environment and provides an in-browser IDE, allowing you to code, build, test and run applications exactly as they run on production from any machine.
Experimentation: IntelliJ as a Che editor
More on GitHub
Che in the CNCF landscape - More on Twitter
Keep in touch with the Che community on Mattermost.
Upcoming Events
We are working hard to bring more events to you, as learning opportunities and to raise awareness of what we do and how our projects are adopted.
EclipseCon is fast approaching, starting on October 19. ECD Tools will have a solid presence, both on Community Day and during the main sessions. Make sure to register not to miss anything.
19 October
Community Day ECD Tools Session | 19 Oct 2020 - 16:30
20 October
Eclipse Theia vs Che vs VS Code | Jonas Helming (EclipseSource) | 20 Oct 2020 - 14:00
Experience with Eclipse Che deployment | Filip Kroupa (CA Technologies) | 20 Oct 2020 - 14:45
Customize your own Online IDE with a Devfile | Valeriy Svydenko (Red Hat, Inc.) | 20 Oct 2020 - 15:15
Distribute Your VS Code Extensions With Open VSX | Miro Spönemann (TypeFox GmbH) | 20 Oct 2020 - 16:45
21 October
Diagram editors in the web with Eclipse GLSP | Philip Langer (EclipseSource) and Maximilian Koegel (EclipseSource) | 21 Oct 2020 - 14:45
Deploy your Java applications to the Cloud using Eclipse JKube | Marc Nuri (Red Hat, Inc.) | 21 Oct 2020 - 16:45
Using the Power of the LSP to Create Unconventional Language-Client/Server Integrations | Marc Dumais (Ericsson) and Vincent Fugnitto (Ericsson) | 21 Oct 2020 - 16:45
22 October
Beyond LSP: Getting Your Language into Theia and VS Code | Jan Koehnlein (TypeFox GmbH) | 22 Oct 2020 - 13:00
Ecore tools in the cloud - behind the scenes | Jonas Helming (EclipseSource) | 22 Oct 2020 - 14:00
Coding Kubernetes for kids with Scratch and Che | Sun TAN and Ilya Buziuk (Red Hat, Inc.) | 22 Oct 2020 - 15:00
Web-based modeling tools with EMF.cloud | Philip Langer (EclipseSource) and Maximilian Koegel (EclipseSource) | 22 Oct 2020 - 15:30
Webinar Series
Are you or someone you know working on a Cloud Development Tools project? Share your work with the community! We are starting a webinar series.
We are flexible on format, so sessions could be a presentation, panel, demo, AMA and more. With already nine proposals, you will be in good company.
Even if you do not want to present and just have an idea of a topic you would like to hear about, we would like to hear from you. You can submit your proposals on our webinar form.
Get Involved
The ECD Tools community is growing and there are many ways to keep in touch and to contribute.
Join the ECD Tools community mailing list (an Eclipse account is required)
For instant messaging, we use Slack and you can join at ecd-tools.slack.com.
Get social with us on Twitter @ECDTools and (NEW!) on LinkedIn.
Use the #ECDTools or #EclipseCloudDev hashtags whenever relevant in your posts
Ask your company’s social media manager to follow and retweet from official handles
Please share news and updates with your own personal networks
Author blog posts that mention ECD Tools WG or related projects
Write a post about your experience as a member of the ECD Tools community
Share your use cases and success stories with news@eclipse.org
Let us know how you are adopting Eclipse projects related to ECD Tools
Volunteer to give a webinar / host a virtual meetup
Virtual meetups are managed through our Meetup.com Virtual Eclipse Community Meetup
Submit talks to event CFPs for ECD Tools awareness
Add our community calendar to your calendar to hear about our upcoming events. It’s available in Google Calendar (use the + in the bottom right to add) or ICS format.