
Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Open VSX Contributions

Monday, October 3, 2022 - 14:10 by John Kellerman
The Eclipse Cloud Developer Tools contributor award for September goes to Aart van Baren at Precies. Software Ltd. for his past and continuing contributions and tireless work, most recently as a consultant for, to and, it's deployment at Open VSX Registry. Congratulations Aart and thanks for your...

10 Reasons to Adopt Eclipse Theia

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 13:06 by John Kellerman
Theia is a modern and open platform for developing cloud and desktop IDEs and tools based on web technologies. You can try it by building your own IDE/tools based on Theia within minutes. Alternatively, you can download and try Theia Blueprint , a template tool based on Eclipse Theia. It...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Embedded SIG

Monday, August 15, 2022 - 12:21 by John Kellerman
The Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award this month goes to Rob Moran at Arm for initiating and hosting the Cloud DevTools Special Interest Group for embedded development. The embedded SIG is an open collaboration of embedded vendors and service providers, with the goal of strengthening the open source ecosystem for...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: TypeFox for OpenVSX

Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 01:47 by John Kellerman
The Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award this month goes to TypeFox for their initial contribution of and continued work on eclipse/openvsx and its use at the Eclipse Foundation enabling the deployment of the Open VSX Registry at The Open VSX Registry is a vendor-neutral and publicly hosted open source...