
Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Eclipse Theia Blueprint

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 12:14 by John Kellerman
The Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award this month goes to all parties which contributed to Eclipse Theia Blueprint: Arm, STMicroelectronics, EclipseSource and Ericsson. Theia Blueprint was released last year and been actively maintained with a new release every month since then. It's time to honor the efforts of those involved...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Internationalization for Eclipse Theia

Monday, May 16, 2022 - 15:20 by John Kellerman
The Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award this month goes to the Arduino team, led by Stefano Visconti, for contributing internationalization capabilities to Eclipse Theia. Congratulations and thank you for this and other great contributions! As you might know, the new Arduino IDE 2.0 is based on Eclipse Theia. As highlighted...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Improving the VS Code Integration of Eclipse GLSP

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 20:30 by John Kellerman
The April 2022 Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award goes to Luca Forstner for his work towards improving the VS Code integration of Eclipse GLSP. Congratulations and thanks for your contributions! The Eclipse Graphical Language Server Platform (GLSP) is an extensible open source framework for building custom diagram editors based on...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Digest - March, 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 10:59 by John Kellerman
Eclipse Cloud Dev Tools Working Group happenings for March, 2022; logi.CLOUD, STMicroelectronics, Theia, and Cloud IDE Days. Theia Adopter Story: logi.CLOUD, a modern engineering platform for industrial automation logi.CLOUD is an innovative and cloud-based engineering platform for industrial controllers. The project is based on Eclipse Theia and adopts several other...

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award: Documentation for Eclipse Theia and Eclipse GLSP

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 10:20 by John Kellerman
The Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award this month goes to STMicroelectronics for significantly contributing to improving the documentation of Eclipse Theia and Eclipse GLSP. Congratulations and thanks for your contributions! Eclipse Theia is the next generation platform for building web-based tools and IDEs. Eclipse GLSP is a framework for building...