Blog Posts

    A Great Week

    Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 21:58 by Mike Milinkovich
    Well, I am just about to pack it in and head to Tokyo’s Narita Airport for the flight home to Ottawa. The place is going to be a madhouse, as today is the start of Golden Week and is the largest travel day each year in Japan. Not very good...

    Show off your RCP application

    Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 16:15 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I think Eclipse RCP is an exciting part of the Eclipse story. The ability to build rich client applications with a component model that allows for dynamic updates of new features and patches is pretty compelling. In fact, I think for ISVs and open software projects it makes an excellent...

    Eclipse Japan

    Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 15:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
    The Eclipse Japan web site just went live on We are very lucky to have strong support in Japan from some key companies: NTT Comware, Hitachi, Fujitsu, NEC and IBM. I think it is great to have these companies helping provide the Japanese content for Eclipse is doing...

    Analyst View of Eclipse

    Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 09:09 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Today I had the opportunity to listen to a webinar Eclipse Changes the Game for Application Development by Carl Zetie of Forrester Research. Unfortunately I think you need to be a client of Forrester to see the slides but I was lucky enough to be an invited guest. I’ve had...

    Brand Hijack

    Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 16:31 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I have just finished reading a new book on branding called Brand Hijack: marketing without marketing, by Alex Wipperfurth. I’m often pretty skeptical about ‘marketing/branding’ books but this one was pretty good. They author was involved with the marketing at Napster but also uses Linux, Apple, and others as case...

    Greetings from Japan

    Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 07:19 by Mike Milinkovich
    This week I am in Tokyo speaking at a number of events and meeting with a number of member companies. This is my first time in Japan so I’m pretty excited about the trip, even though the jetlag already has me reeling. The first event I am speaking at is...

    Eclipse Around the World

    Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 10:04 by Anonymous (not verified)
    One of the really cool things about Eclipse is that there is lots of Eclipse events going on all around the world. These are events organized by people in the Eclipse community and in the native language. For instance, NTT Comware, Hitachi, Fujitsui, NEC and IBM Japan have started an...

    What is "Eclipse" anyways?

    Tuesday, April 19, 2005 - 22:37 by Mike Milinkovich
    One of the interesting things about Eclipse is trying to define exactly what the label means. There is no doubt that it is an overloaded term. Eclipse is a plug-in based platform for building and integrating tools. And now with RCP, a platform for building and integrating applications. Eclipse is...

    Maybe there is hope?

    Tuesday, April 19, 2005 - 04:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I just noticed that Tim Boudreau at Sun has taken down his recent blog that was very negative about Eclipse. Seems like he was having a bad day. As someone who on occassion has sent a couple of late night e-mails that I later regret, I can certainly relate. I...

    First, What Really Matters

    Monday, April 18, 2005 - 22:43 by Mike Milinkovich
    I am very fortunate to have a professional position which I thoroughly enjoy. Really, not that many people get to have a job that they are really passionate about. Over time, I expect that this blog will be filled with postings about Eclipse and its various developments. That’s what I...