Blog Posts

    Leaving LinkedIn

    Tuesday, June 5, 2007 - 11:53 by Mike Milinkovich
    I made the mistake of signing up on LinkedIn a couple of years back because it seemed like an interesting idea with some potential. I was wrong. This site has no value for me whatsoever, and I’ve asked that they close my account. In about 2.5 years the only times...

    Europa is a Global Effort

    Monday, June 4, 2007 - 11:49 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I am putting together some stats for the launch of Europa. One thing that always impresses me is the distributed nature of the Eclipse community and specifically the global nature of the Eclipse committer community. For instance, the Europa release includes participation from committers in 19 countries, including Australia, Austria...

    What is cool in Europa?

    Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 13:59 by Anonymous (not verified)
    June is Europa month. Denis is getting the IT infrastructure ready and I need to get started on the press plans. I am interested in the communities opinion on what is cool in the Europa release. Is there a new project or new feature that you think will be a...

    My own Ubuntu Experiment

    Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 12:00 by Wayne Beaton
    It seems that I’ve been reading a lot of “ Ubuntu Experience” blog entries lately. I decided that, with the arrival of my new laptop, I’d do the same. I recently acquired a brand spanking new Dell Latitude D820 laptop. It’s quite nice and is seriously loaded. The installation of...

    Third Anniversary

    Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - 14:10 by Mike Milinkovich
    Sunday, May 20th marked my third anniversary as the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation. My how time flies. My first inkling that this was going to be a very different job was when the phone rang at home a few days before the announcement went out. Answered by one...

    New Eclipse Resources

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 12:52 by Wayne Beaton
    Qi Liang has authored an excellent article titled “ Using the BIRT Chart Engine in Your Plug-in” that discusses how you can incorporate BIRT charts into your own applications. This article introduces the basic concepts of BIRT Chart Engine, explains what BIRT Chart Engine is composed of, and illustrates how...

    Totally Missing the Point

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 11:22 by Mike Milinkovich
    Monday was a holiday here in Canada, so this morning has been doing the typical post-long-weekend email cleanup, blog reading and so on. Thanks to Bjorn, I came across this little gem: A cynic rips open source. I always enjoy contrarians, really I do. I’ve even been known to play...

    What is Eclipse?

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 09:32 by Wayne Beaton
    Fairly frequently, I get questions from people asking me just what the heck Eclipse is. It’s difficult to understand what Eclipse is by looking at our website (though that’s something that’s changing—slowly). The problem is that Eclipse is actually pretty hard to define. Most people know Eclipse as a Java...