Blog Posts

    No NetBeans Girls at EclipseCon

    Friday, March 2, 2007 - 22:01 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Much to my dismay, it looks like Jonathan Schwartz has denied us the opportunity for a return engagement of the NetBeans Girls. Roumen was kind enough to make a plea for us to his management but came back with a rather lame excuse; they actually want Eclipse to pay for...

    Getting ready for EclipseCon

    Friday, March 2, 2007 - 21:51 by Anonymous (not verified)
    The week before EclipseCon is typically for me the second busiest week of the year; the busiest being EclipseCon. Most of my time is spent preparing for the press; although in previous years I’ve also been responsible for the exhibitors but this year Donald has done a great job. I...

    Debug JavaScript? Using Eclipse?

    Friday, March 2, 2007 - 02:00 by Wayne Beaton
    I mentioned earlier that I have been working with the Eclipse Ajax Toolkit Framework ( ATF). Before today, my experience with JavaScript has been limited, and generally involved a lot of screaming in frustration. This afternoon, I spent some time with the ATF JavaScript debugger. The best part is that...

    Interesting new plugins on EPIC

    Thursday, March 1, 2007 - 20:00 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I subscribe to the EPIC RSS feed that feeds to me the new and updated plugins that are added to EPIC. There seems to be about 2-3 new plugins per day. Lots of interesting stuff being developed in the Eclipse community. Sometimes something new catches my eye. For instance this...

    Ajax Toolkit Framework

    Thursday, March 1, 2007 - 12:00 by Wayne Beaton
    Last week I started playing with the Eclipse Ajax Toolkit Framework ( ATF). Until last week, I had really never looked very hard at Ajax. I’m familiar with the base technologies, and the concepts behind it, but I had never really done anything with it. I figured that tinkering with...

    Is OSGi the Untold Story?

    Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 13:57 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Over the last 12 months I continue to be amazed by the investment and adoption of the OSGi standard in the enterprise software world. For instance, IBM hosting Websphere on OSGI, BEA announcing their msa strategy is using OSGi, Spring support for OSGi, JoNas support, and a slew of Apahce...