Blog Posts

    Europa Videos with Redmonk

    Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - 21:20 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Cote from Redmonk is doing a series of videocasts about some of the Eclipse projects involved in Europa. He is interviewing Eclipse project leaders, as they give a demo of what’s new in their project release. The goal is to combine podcasts and webinars concepts to bring to life what...

    Jane, you ignorant ….,

    Thursday, June 21, 2007 - 14:56 by Anonymous (not verified)
    I’ve always wanted to start a blog with that famous line and this recent opinion piece from eWeek, Is Open Source Dying, is a perfect reason. It is clear that the writer is either: 1) Naive about open source software. 2) Writing piffy headlines to get attention. 3) Just got...

    Annotated Web Services in JBoss

    Thursday, June 21, 2007 - 14:54 by Wayne Beaton
    I recently recorded a flash demo of the creation—using annotations—of a web service for JBoss 4.2 using a pre-release of the new Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (the work-in-progress landing page is here). You can find the demo here. Creating the web service is pretty easy. I noticed that...

    SWT/Swing Integration

    Wednesday, June 20, 2007 - 12:50 by Wayne Beaton
    Today we published an article on Eclipse Corner titled, “SWT/Swing Integration”. This is a pretty important topic that is of great interest to a lot of folks. The article was written by Gordon Hirsch, based on some real world experience with the SWT_AWT bridge component (which allows you to host...