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Wayne’s EclipseCon Recommended Track

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 11:37 by Wayne Beaton

EclipseCon is my favourite show of the year. And that’s not just because I’m an employee of the Eclipse Foundation. Honestly.

I’ve put together a recommended track; I’m not sure if I’ve done it in the right spirit, since I’ve just made a listing of the talks that I’m planning to attend. It would be more correct to call it a combination of three of what I would call tracks.

The first "track" is concerned with Mylar. Unfortunately, there’s only one talk on Mylar, but hopefully we’ll also be able to schedule a BoF on the topic (there does seem to be a lot of interest, so this should probably be easy to do).

The second "track" focuses on eRCP. I’m facinated with eRCP and the whole embedded space, but haven’t had the time to properly focus any attention on it. That’s changing this year, and I’m starting by attending as many eRCP/embedded talks as I can. Leading up to EclipseCon, I’ve started tinkering with MTJ and eRCP/eSWT so I’ll be able to come to the conference armed with some good questions. At least I hope that they’ll be good.

Ajax in Eclipse is the third "track". There’s a lot of very cool stuff going on in the RAP and ATF projects that I want to learn more about.

After that, there are a bunch of other topics that I find interesting that I’ve just lumped together.

Anyway, the track is here if you’re interested. I look forward to seeing you at EclipseCon. Go forth and register. Do it now.