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SWT/Swing Integration

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 - 12:50 by Wayne Beaton

Today we published an article on Eclipse Corner titled, “SWT/Swing Integration”. This is a pretty important topic that is of great interest to a lot of folks. The article was written by Gordon Hirsch, based on some real world experience with the SWT_AWT bridge component (which allows you to host AWT/Swing components in SWT). The abstract of the article states:

Swing and SWT are sometimes seen as strictly competing technologies. Some people have strong opinions on which UI toolkit to use exclusively for client applications. However, in the real world, ideological extremes are often impractical. Some valid use cases require both technologies to coexist in a single application. While mixing the two toolkits is not a simple task, it can be done, and it can be done such that the two toolkits are smoothly integrated. This article discusses the steps necessary to achieve good Swing/SWT integration. It focuses on the use case of embedding existing Swing components into an SWT-based Rich Client Platform application.

You can find the article here.