Eclipse SWT support for GTK3 has improved dramatically since the Eclipse Mars release: the latest milestone and nightly builds work and look great on my Fedora 22 box. There’s still some work to do, but the progress since Mars is impressive. Fixing SWT/GTK issues requires a special set of skills: if you have those skills, you might find our work item to Improve GTK 3 Support interesting.
Or, if you just want to see how you can help, drop by the EclipseCon 2016 Hackathon and we can try and hammer out a fix or two together. A few actual Eclipse Platform committers will be at the conference, so I’m using “we” in the royal sense.
If JavaFX is more to your tastes, consider attending the two EclipseCon sessions being lead by the Eclipse community’s JavaFX expert and Eclipse e(fx)clipse open source project lead, Tom Schindl: Develop Slick Rich Client Applications with Eclipse 4 on JavaFX, and Smart, slim and good looking – Building Smart Editors with Eclipse and JavaFX.

EMF Edit UI for JavaFX allows you to view your EMF models in JavaFX TextFields, ListViews, TreeViews and TableViews with only a few lines of code.
(from the project website)
Tom can help you get started building JavaFX applications using Eclipse; he’s also the best person to help you build Eclipse Rich Client Platform applications, editors, and IDEs with JavaFX as a base.
You can also learn about some fascinating work being done in the Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment (ICE) project in the form of Adventures in 3D with Eclipse ICE and JavaFX (ICE leverages the JavaFX/SWT integration layer, FXCanvas). Speakers Tom McCrary and Robert Smith, as members of our Science Working Group, are involved in some very cool new work being done at the Eclipse Foundation.

Alex McCaskey and project lead Jay Billings running ICE on ORNL’s EVEREST Powerwall
(from Jay’s post from July of last year).
See you at EclipseCon!