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Screencams, IDEs, Instructions, and Ruby

Monday, June 18, 2007 - 17:02 by Wayne Beaton

I’ve been spending far too much time wrestling with Camtasia lately (it has a frustrating habit of completely screwing up my files). I’ve been putting together a collection of screencam demonstrations to accompany the Europa release. I did spend a little effort looking into using Wink to record my demonstrations, and that does seem to have some potential. I’ve also been tinkering with using PHP and Ming to assemble screenshots into flash-based demonstrations, but I had to abandon that effort as we’re just getting too close to the Europa release to be mucking around with that.

Nathan and I have been working on some new download pages that include actual instructions for how to obtain and install Eclipse. I’m quite happy with the new ‘distributions’ of Eclipse being created by the Packaging project (which are nicely complemented by the member company distributions). It’s nice to have an collection of integrated IDE packages for folks who just want to write Java code and don’t need to build plug-ins (and therefore don’t really need the PDE or the source code).

The new site (which will become the official download page on Europa release day, is here. If you follow the links to “More info”, you’ll find the demonstrations that I’ve been working on. They’re not all complete (and so are not all there yet). The Java IDE page is far closer to the final form than any of the others. I’m particularly fond of the installation instructions that detail how to install Eclipse in a shared (i.e. multiple-user) environment and what to do with those annoying requests for a password on Windows. I’d love to hear what you think. Bugzilla is probably the best place to add your comments.

In the process of making a demonstration titled “Adding Features from the Europa Update Site”, I spent a little time with the Ruby Development Tools. I’ve only just started playing with them, but the support has thus far been first class.