At Nick’s suggestion, I’ve been tinkering with using Zest to visualize the project pairing data that I’ve spend so darned much time gathering from the Usage Data Collector results over the past week.
This image was generated using the “Spring graph” layout algorithm to represent how closely related the various projects are.
The spring layout algorithm pulls the most frequently used project combinations towards each other, so those projects most commonly found in the wild naturally drift to the middle.
I’m not very happy with the way that it’s drawn; I’ll work on that over the next few days. Right now, it runs as an SWT application. I may turn it into a plug-in.
The graph helped me notice a few other bundles that needed to be rolled into their project (recall that the names shown on the report and in this graph are taken from the third segment of each bundle’s symbolic name). So, in the next version of the report (and this graph), ‘cvs’ will be rolled into ‘platform’, and ‘contribution’ into ‘ajdt’. I also decided to roll those curious ‘mylar’ references into ‘mylyn’.