Dani Megert, the project lead for the Java development tools (JDT) project made this announcement earlier today:
The Eclipse top-level project is very proud to announce official support for Java
8. Starting with I20140318-0830 all Luna (4.4) builds contain the Eclipse support for Java
8. For Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) a feature patch is available. For future builds visit our downloads page.
The Java
8 support contains the following:
- Eclipse compiler implements all the new Java
8 language enhancements.
- Significant features, like Search and Refactoring, have been updated – to support Java
- Quick Assist and Clean Up to migrate anonymous class creations to lambda expressions and back.
- New formatter options for lambdas.
Note that PDE API Tools has not yet adopted the new language constructs. This will be completed in the final Luna release.
Big thanks to everyone who worked on this effort!
Congratulations to the team!