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Looking Good on Vista

Monday, April 30, 2007 - 23:13 by Wayne Beaton

I added this image of Eclipse 3.3M6 running on Windows Vista to the Eclipse Screenshots page. In the process, I’ve started to revamp the page. I’m thinking it’s a little too cluttered: less is more, right?

Right. The image…

It looks pretty good. It looks as Vista as everything else on my desktop. To be honest, I find the whole see-through trim thing around the windows pretty cool, but after about 15 seconds, not all that interesting. Still, Eclipse looks right at home on Vista.

The SWT team has been doing some great work getting SWT ready for Vista. They’re building a whole new implementation of SWT on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). You can download native WPF versions of the latest and greatest builds of Eclipse 3.3 right now. The implementation is almost complete. One thing that I’ve noticed is missing is drag and drop support. This is coming, it just hasn’t been implemented yet.

As far as I am aware, Eclipse 3.3 should end up being one of the first native WPF applications available when it is released in June as part of the Europa release train. By extension, that means that pretty much every (let’s say 95%) of the Eclipse RCP applications out there are also among that first wave of native WPF applications.

It’s been a great month for me hardware/platform-wise. In addition to this new 64-bit AMD box running Windows Vista, I’ve scavenged another slightly used box and have installed Debian Linux. So far, I’m pretty impressed with the user experience; it goes a long way toward making Linux really easy to use. Unfortunately, I apparently still need to remember the syntax for that darned mount command. Now how is it that I specify the user id again…