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It was Wayne’s Fault

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 - 19:06 by Wayne Beaton

Today, as I was looking over the BoF submissions for EclipseCon, I decided to decline one of the redundant submissions (Chris must have hit submit twice). I then hit what I thought was a “commit changes” button. Long story short, Karl is now restoring the database from backups and we’re trying to figure out how to withdraw the 513 erroneous emails delivered to speakers. Karl said he’d draft a nice note explaining what happened. For the foreseeable future, Karl doesn’t pay for beer if I’m in the room…

So, if you’ve gotten a message about your talk at EclipseCon that seems a little wacky, don’t panic. Karl’s sorting out my mess. Feel free to chastise me in whatever way you feel suitable.

I’ll be more careful next time. Honest.