We at the Eclipse Foundation have been working with the Committer Reps to make a significant portion of the Friends of Eclipse money directly available to committers. Our intent is to help you do great things for the benefit of the Eclipse community. The amount of money that we have available varies from year-to-year; this year, we have USD$15K that we’re going to allocate on a quarterly basis. We invite you to be creative with how we can use this money. However, you should keep in mind that we are constrained by the bylaws of the Eclipse Foundation (so, no, we can’t just pay you a chunk of money to be a committer). The Committer Reps will review applications for the money as they are received. More information is available on the Eclipse Wiki. FWIW, some of the money collected through Friends of Eclipse is being used to great effect by the Webmaster team.
The EMO Intellectual Property (IP) team is working very hard to make sure that all of our IP needs are met. This time of year, reviewing code for inclusion in the simultaneous release is their highest priority. That means that other tasks must necessarily take a backseat. Given the bandwidth constraints, we will not be doing any further project moves until after the release in June. You should also expect that other IP-related tasks like trademark reviews for new project names will take longer than usual. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this high-intensity time of year.
I’ve been working feverishly to provide Dash statistics to projects with Git repositories. It’s mostly working (as I discussed yesterday). In order to make it work for your project, you need to specify the locations of your Git repositories in the Eclipse Developer Portal (under the project metadata’s “source repository” entry).
You can specify more than one repository. If your project has a bunch of ’em, you can save yourself a little typing:
- Log into dev
- Navigate to the directory that contains your repositories
- Execute: for f in $(ls); do echo `pwd`/$f; done
- Copy and paste the output into the “source repository” field in the portal
For example:
wbeaton@dev1:/gitroot/virgo> for f in $(ls); do echo `pwd`/$f; done /gitroot/virgo/org.eclipse.virgo.apps.git /gitroot/virgo/org.eclipse.virgo.artifact-repository.git /gitroot/virgo/org.eclipse.virgo.documentation.git /gitroot/virgo/org.eclipse.virgo.jetty-server.git /gitroot/virgo/org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.git ... wbeaton@dev1:/gitroot/virgo>
Note that, while we have this working for Git, we haven’t integrated it into the automated system. That comes next. I the meantime, I am manually invoking the script as new repository information is specified.
Send me any questions you have, or report ’em on bug 306313.