I just reviewed the programme for the iX conference that’s coming up in November 2006. There’s a lot of Eclipse activity at the conference, including:
- Kai Tödter is holding a tutorial on Eclipse Rich Client Platform
- Richard Schwaninger is presenting Milchkuh Eclipse (Migrating Legacy Applications to Eclipse)
- Kevin Parker is presenting on ALF
- Andy Bosch is presenting Eclipse und JavaServer Faces
- Dr. Berthold Daum is presenting OSGi und Equinox: SOA im Kleinen
- Wayne is presenting on Eclipse RCP
- Ralph Mueller is presenting on Callisto
- Martin Lippert is presenting Spring und Eclipse Equinox kombiniert (Spring and Eclipse Combined)
- Dr. Axel Böttcher is presenting Eclipse in der Hochschul-Lehre (Eclipse in University Teachings)
- Jochen Krause is presenting Eclipse and Ajax
The title of this entry comes from a translation of the abstract for Richard Schwaninger’s talk. I’m really curious about this talk. I’m going to have to break down and learn German just so that I can attend (and understand) the topic.
I’ve updated the Eclipse Conferences page on the wiki to reflect these talks. If I’ve missed something (or if you’re presenting Eclipse topics at some other conference), please update the wiki.