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Command Horse Race

Friday, February 15, 2008 - 09:36 by Wayne Beaton

Things are heating up and the excitement is building with the the usage data collector (UDC). It seems that debugging is making a play…

The five most popular commands over the past 14 days are:

  • org.eclipse.ui.file.save (8436)
  • org.eclipse.ui.edit.delete (5289)
  • org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.contentAssist.proposals (4983)
  • org.eclipse.ui.edit.paste (4645)
  • org.eclipse.debug.ui.commands.StepOver (4573)

I thought that it might be interesting to show some actual numbers. The value shown beside the name is the number of times the command has been invoked by all of our participants over the past 14 days. If everybody can just use “step over” a couple more times each day than paste, we can make this sucker move…

The most popular non-Eclipse project command is org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.format.document with 97 uses over the past 14 days, and org.eclipse.wst.server.publish with 89 hits (both from Web Tools). After Web Tools, comes C/C++ Development Tools (org.eclipse.cdt.ui.edit.opendecl x 34) and Mylyn (org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.command.deactivateAllTasks x 11).