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A bit of Fun from the EMO Mailbag

Thursday, November 12, 2015 - 15:12 by Wayne Beaton

I get a lot of email from all sorts of people looking for all kinds of help. I recently received, what I believe is the funniest one to date:

I have a friend named redacted. He is evidently a master programmer, because he says so. However, his code keeps turning up errors, about 5 to 10 per class. I have determined that, since his code is flawless, the error must be in Eclipse MARS. I believe you should speak with him to collaborate, and, instead of him fixing what the program incorrectly calls errors, you should change your program and the language of Java such that his “errors” will be guidelines. Thank you very much.

I had a delightful bit tongue-in-cheek back and forth with the sender.