Our update this month is jam-packed with highlights, as March and April were busy with many events and new developments in the Jakarta EE Community!
The highlights for the past two months are as follows:
The Jakarta EE 2021 Developer Survey is now open!
It is that time of the year: the Jakarta EE 2021 Developer Survey is now open until May 31st. Please, if you haven't already provided your response, I encourage you to do so now. Help us gather input from the wider java enterprise community and shape the future of Jakarta EE!
Here are insights for 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey.
The Jakarta EE community and Working Group is growing
We continue to have steady membership growth, and more interest from JUGs to be closely involved in various Jakarta EE projects.
Jakarta EE Working Group welcomes iJUG as a participant member and Istanbul JUG as a guest member!
iJUG involvement in Jakarta EE is well known, as their members are actively involved in Jakarta EE projects and community events. Now they have officially become members of not just Jakarta EE Working Group, but both MicroProfile and Adoptium Working Groups as well.
JUG Istanbul has joined as a Guest member also. JUG Istanbul is a driving force behind Jakarta One Livestream - Turkish, and its members are interested in being involved in advancing following individual specifications Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection and Jakarta Concurrency.
This is a call to other JUGs to explore the possibility of joining Jakarta EE Working Group. Approach us and let us know if membership is something you would be interested in.
Jakarta EE 9.1 release
I hope you are all already familiar with the Jakarta EE 9.1 Release Plan! The main driver for this release is Java SE 11 support.
Eclipse GlassFish 6.1.0-RC1 Web (https://download.eclipse.org/ee4j/glassfish/web-6.1.0-RC1.zip ) and Full Profile (https://download.eclipse.org/ee4j/glassfish/glassfish-6.1.0-RC1.zip) are now on Eclipse downloads. Please download and take a look!
Multiple Compatible Products on the release date of the Jakarta EE 9.1
The compatibility certification request for Jakarta EE 9.1 release keep coming, and we are super proud and happy about it
The Jakarta EE 9.1 release will be the first release that will have more than one compatible implementation used for the ratification of the final specification.
Jakarta EE Individual Specifications and project teams
We have organized a public calendar Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar (public url, iCal) to display all Jakarta EE Specification project teams meetings. Everyone interested is welcome to join the calls.
The Jakarta EE Platform team (meeting on Feb 9th, 2021) has invited all specification project team members and leads to submit their release plans for review by April 15th, so the planning for release after 9.1 can start. The response was great! 25 individual specifications that have provided the plan review can be viewed here!
The work towards the next release is emerging, and I would like to draw your attention towards Jakarta EE Core Profile Creation and Plan Review. Please review and join the Jakarta EE Platform team meetings to provide your input.
Statement direction for Jakarta EE 10 is on its way!
Jakarta EE Steering Committee has requested from the Jakarta EE Platform team to formulate a statement of direction for the release 10. You can join the discussion in this GitHub issue , but sharing here main points
A traditional roadmap with deliverables is still premature, so we need to highlight areas of focus that will build into an eventual roadmap. Areas of focus that need progress before a proper roadmap can be defined include:
Addressing lack of specification standalone TCKs that can be composed into new platforms
Defining the makeup of the core profile
Defining how profile specifications can be released independently and what versioning would look like under this approach
Promoting individual specification releases
Address integration of MicroProfile Config as Jakarta Config
Updating core profile specifications to enable build time capable implementation
Handling of optional specification features
Removing the current circularity between specifications at the TCK level
Java SE version and JPMS strategy
Improve architecture guidelines and address specification cohesion
Compatible Products and Compatible Implementations
Our list of Compatible Products, implementations of Jakarta EE Platform and Web Profile, is growing, and not just for Jakarta EE 8, but also for Jakarta EE 9.
The current Jakarta EE 8 list is impressive
And the Jakarta EE 9 list is growing
Jakarta EE White Paper: Why Jakarta EE Is the Right Choice for Today's Java Applications
In collaboration with the community leaders we have published the Jakarta EE White Paper: “Why Jakarta EE is the Right Choice for Today’s Java Applications”. Please promote and share this Whitepaper amongst your community--we appreciate your support in sharing it with others.
EclipseCon 2021 CFP is now open!
Please mark your calendars: EclipseCon 2021 is taking place October 25th - 27th 2021! The call for papers is now open, so do not miss this chance to showcase your work! We already have quite a few talks related to Jakarta EE and Cloud Native Technologies submitted and you can review them here.
Book your 2021 Jakarta EE Virtual Tour and Adopt-A-Spec
We are looking for the opportunity to virtually visit you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch (tanja.obradovic@eclipse-foundation.org) if you’d like to hear about Jakarta EE 9 and beyond.
We need help from the community! All JUGs out there please choose the specification of your interest and adopt it. Here is the information about the Adopt-A-Spec program.
Stay Connected With the Jakarta EE Community
The Jakarta EE community is very active and there are a number of channels to help you stay up to date with all of the latest and greatest news and information. Subscribe to your preferred channels today:
· Social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Group
· Mailing lists: jakarta.ee-community@eclipse.org, jakarta.ee-wg@eclipse.org, project mailing lists, slack workspace
· Calendars: Jakarta EE Community Calendar, Jakarta EE Specification Meetings Calendar
· Newsletters, blogs, and emails: Eclipse newsletter, Jakarta EE blogs, Hashtag Jakarta EE
· Meetings: Jakarta Tech Talks, Jakarta EE Update, and Eclipse Foundation events and conferences
You can find the complete list of channels here.
To help shape the future of open source, cloud native Java, get involved in the Jakarta EE Working Group.
To learn more about Jakarta EE-related plans and check the date for the next Jakarta Tech Talk, be sure to bookmark the Jakarta EE Community Calendar.