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Jakarta EE Community Update for February 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 14:07 by Tatjana Obradovic

For Jakarta EE even in the short month as February is, we have quite a few things going on. Here is an update highlighting key initiatives.

The Jakarta EE community and Working Group is growing

Another Participant member joined the Jakarta EE working group. We are very excited to welcome  jadeva GmbH to the working group.

We talked to the enthusiastic and engaging duo Stephan Zubke, CTO is one of the initial founders of the company, and Claudia Geiger, CEO of the company,  who provided a bit more information about the company. 

jadeva GmbH is based in Stuttgart, with a team that consists of developers, scrum masters and product owners, following agile development methods. The company itself was founded in 2010 as OZ Solutions and renamed into jadeva UG in 2012, but just going under rebranding from UG to GmbH, hence you now see jadeva GmbH as the name of the company.

“Due to our technological focus it was an important step for us to join the community since it is our wish to contribute and support the development of Jakarta EE. We see networking and learning from each other as an important part in the growth of a company. Not only in numbers, but also in knowledge”, Claudia Geiger, CEO.


Jakarta EE 9.1 release

Jakarta EE 9.1 Release will target a release date for 2021 Q2. Kevin Sutter (IBM) is leading the effort. As previously communicated, the primary goal of the release is to provide support for Java SE 11 and to deliver it as soon as possible. We do not expect any API changes in this release.

You can view the Jakarta EE 9.1 Release Plan here. 


Jakarta EE Specification project teams 

We have organized a public calendar Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar (public url, iCal) to display all Jakarta EE Specification project teams meetings. Everyone interested to join the calls is welcome to join.

The Jakarta EE Platform team (meeting on Feb 9th, 2021) has invited all specification project team members and leads to submit their release plans for review by April 15th, so the planning for release after 9.1 can start.


Compatible Products and Compatible Implementations

Our list of Compatible Products, implementations of Jakarta EE Platform and Web Profile, is growing, and not just for Jakarta EE 8, but also for Jakarta EE 9.

Jakarta EE 8 newly certified products are

Jakarta EE 9 newly certified products are 

Our list of Compatible Implementations, implementations of Jakarta EE individual or component specifications is growing as well. We will highlight these implementations on the specification pages


Book your 2021 Jakarta EE Virtual Tour and Adopt-A-Spec

We are looking for the opportunity to virtually visit you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch (tanja.obradovic@eclipse-foundation.org) if you’d like to hear about Jakarta EE 9 and beyond.

We need help from the community! All JUGs out there please choose the specification of your interest and adopt it. Here is the information about the Adopt-A-Spec program. 


Stay Connected With the Jakarta EE Community

The Jakarta EE community is very active and there are a number of channels to help you stay up to date with all of the latest and greatest news and information. Subscribe to your preferred channels today:

·  Social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Group

·  Mailing lists: jakarta.ee-community@eclipse.org, jakarta.ee-wg@eclipse.org, project mailing lists, slack workspace

·  Newsletters, blogs, and emails: Eclipse newsletter, Jakarta EE blogs, Hashtag Jakarta EE

·  Meetings: Jakarta Tech Talks, Jakarta EE Update, Jakarta Town Hall, and Eclipse Foundation events and conferences

You can find the complete list of channels here.

To help shape the future of open source, cloud native Java, get involved in the Jakarta EE Working Group.

To learn more about Jakarta EE-related plans and check the date for the next Jakarta Tech Talk, be sure to bookmark the Jakarta EE Community Calendar.