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Orion: Open Source Platform For Cloud, Web and JavaScript Development

Monday, October 29, 2012 - 07:49 by Mike Milinkovich

The Orion team has announced their 1.0 release, a major milestone for this new tooling platform for the web, in the web. Or if you prefer, for the cloud, in the cloud.

For those who are not familiar with Orion, you may want to read my introductory blog post when the project first launched in 2011. PlanetOrion is another great source of information. But even better, go and try it out by downloading it, or setting up an account on orionhub.org.

Orion is a completely new open source tooling platform, which provides an open, extensible tooling platform and a set of re-usable components for building web tools which run in your browser.

Despite just releasing their 1.0 version, the Orion team has already seen some pretty interesting adoption. From the team’s post:

Orion has had some great adoption leading up to the 1.0 release like being included in Firefox as the editor for ScratchPad, the editor and the basis for Content Assist in Scripted, a platform for hosting an entire solution at Cloudfier, and numerous investigative demos from other projects such at Stardust and Xtext/Xtend.

So, congratulations to the Orion team! I’m already looking forward to the 2.0 release in a few months.
