I just received one of those standard project announcements from Anne Jacko, but in it was something which really caught my eye:
EMFT Project AnnouncementThe EMFT project would like to announcement the creation of a new component, EMF4NET. The goal of EMF4Net is to enhance the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) with a code generation facility for the .Net platform. EMF4Net will allow the generation of C# code from Ecore models in the same way that EMF generates Java code.
Neither Ecore nor the EMF code generation facility are limited to Java but provide the ability to generate code for other object-oriented languages. However, the generation of non-Java code alone does not make that code as useful as the Java code generated by EMF, because EMF’s core runtime is missing in the non Java languages. Therefore EMF4Net tries to provide a translation of the EMF core runtime for the .Net platform.
All votes for the creation of the component were +1; see http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/emft-dev/msg00215.html
The proposal is here: http://wiki.eclipse.org/EMF4Net_Proposal
We will be adding Reinhold Bihler, Deyan Rizov, and Manfred Bottger as EMFT committers.
Ed Merks, EMF/EMFT Project Lead and Modeling PMC Lead
Personally, I think it’s cool to see Eclipse projects add support for other platforms in addition to Eclipse.
I’m pretty sure that Higgins has some stuff targeting .NET, and Doug Schaefer occasionally threatens C# support in CDT, but I think that’s about it. Does anyone know of any other projects that I’m not aware of?