Hey Eclipse Community!
I am excited to announce the launch of the Eclipse Foundation Conduct Committee!
As steward of one of the most vibrant and dynamic open source communities, the Eclipse Foundation recognises the importance of fostering an inclusive, respectful, and safe environment for all participants. The establishment of this committee highlights the Eclipse Foundation's commitment to upholding the highest standards of conduct and ethics within our community.
The Eclipse Foundation has always been guided by the principles of transparency, collaboration, and openness. These principles not only drive the development of world-class open source software but also shape the culture and behaviour of our community members. As our community continues to grow and diversify, it becomes essential to formalise mechanisms for addressing conflicts, disputes, and instances of misconduct fairly and impartially. Over the past couple of years, we've enjoyed a record free from incidents, and the creation of this committee is purely an act of good governance, unrelated to any specific concerns.
The Eclipse Foundation Conduct Committee is tasked with ensuring that our community remains a welcoming and supportive environment for all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs. Composed of volunteers from diverse backgrounds, the committee will be responsible for reviewing and addressing reports of violations of our Community Code of Conduct, providing guidance on appropriate behaviour, and fostering constructive dialogue among community members. The committee will be formed by Emily Jiang (IBM), Irina Artemeva (Typefox), Matthew Khouzam (Ericsson), Jonas Helming (EclipseSource) and myself, Maria Teresa Delgado (Eclipse Foundation).
The committee's goal is not only to address individual incidents but also to cultivate a culture of mutual respect, empathy, and understanding within our community. Transparency and accountability are at the core of the committee's operations. All incident reports submitted to conduct@eclipse-foundation.org will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and every effort will be made to protect the privacy of both the reporter and the accused. The committee will conduct thorough investigations, gather evidence, and provide clear and impartial recommendations for resolving conflicts and addressing misconduct. The committee will produce quarterly reports accessible to both the EF Board of Directors and the entire community which will be available on this dedicated GitLab repository.
We understand that building and maintaining a healthy community is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and collaboration. As such, we welcome feedback, suggestions, and input from all members of the Eclipse community. Together, we can ensure that the Eclipse Foundation remains a place of integrity, innovation, and collaboration in the world of open source software.
We look forward to continuing to build an even stronger and more vibrant community!
Maria Teresa Delgado (on behalf of the Eclipse Foundation Conduct Committee)