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Jakarta MVC 2.0 Released

Saturday, December 19, 2020 - 05:22 by Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta MVC 2.0 passed the release review ballot and is now ratified as a final specification according to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP).

The last steps for the project team after the ballot are to release the staged artifacts to Maven Central and verify that all published information is correct. That has now been done, and I have listed information about how to obtain the artifacts below.

The MVC 2.0 API maven coordinates are:


The Eclipse Krazo 2.0.0 maven coordinates are:


In addition to the core component, you will also need a dependency specific to the Jakarta EE 9 implementation you are using. See Eclipse Krazo 2.0.0 download page for more information about this.

The MVC 2.0 TCK can be downloaded from the Eclipse Download area. It can also be obtained from Maven Central.

I have used Jakarta MVC as an example for a specification going through the steps involved in the JESP and blogged about it here. Follow the Jakarta MVC tag to get them all.